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gain work experience中文是什么意思

用"gain work experience"造句"gain work experience"怎么读"gain work experience" in a sentence


  • [网络] 赚取工作经验;获得工作经验


  • As trainees, they are placed in a number of different departments to gain working experience in each part of the hotel operation .
  • Work experience as well as the advantages of the education itself, there are increasing opportunities to stay and gain work experience after graduation
  • I am pleased that so many young chinese choose to study and gain work experience in the united kingdom and that more chinese tourists are able to come to this country
  • 1.2 billion allocated to extend about 11 000 temporary jobs, to provide young people with opportunities for gaining work experience, skills enhancement and assistance towards self-employment
  • I have obtained the approval of the finance committee to grant about 1.2 billion to extend more than 11 000 temporary jobs, to provide young people with opportunities to gain work experience and enhance skills through training and to assist them to become self-employed
  • I have obtained the approval of the finance committee to grant about $ 1.2 billion to extend more than 11 000 temporary jobs, to provide young people with opportunities to gain work experience and enhance skills through training and to assist them to become self-employed
用"gain work experience"造句  


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